So I made the commitment today

I’ve been thinking about my current job and the time I invest into it, and of course what I get out. And instead of talking around the subject I might as well just say that I have been putting some thought into starting a small crafty style of business to use as additional income, or replace the current one.

I put my ideas together in a small business page to try and put a concrete set of notes down. I would be pleased if you would look them over and give me some feedback on it.

My main motivation is for some additional money, but this doesn’t necessarily fit with my available time. Which with everything I’ve read means “no, don’t do it.”

This is another reason why I put it together, maybe somebody else will be able to use the resources I’ve collected together even if I can’t.

Happy Thanksgiving

I know it is a little late, and that is due to my in ability to get the site up on time. It was on the schedule since Friday, and while that wasn’t so far off from the mark I just now found time to write something up. And a delayed greeting is better than one that remains predominately absent. Besides, most of you that will be reading this, family + friends, have already been wished a “Happy Thanksgiving.”

So you’ve found the site, congratulations, and you’re reading this 😀 so thank you. Until next time!